Saturday, April 27, 2024

Messages from the Angels via Ann Albers - 04/27/2024 • Anger, fatigue, or flow?

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There are so many times when we wish you could see yourselves the way we see you. We wish you could see your light, your beauty, and how well you are all doing in your evolution. Many of you reading this are rare on your earth. There are few who truly understand themselves as vibrational beings, and those who do are still challenged to overcome the old three-dimensional conditioning. Many of you are the first generation to shift your understanding of the nature of reality. You are breaking new ground upon your earth by remembering how you intended to live before you came.  

You are, by example, helping others learn that life can be kinder and easier than most were led to believe. As you embrace the 5D paradigm of calibrating your energy to an outcome and acting only in a joyful flow (rather than the 3D paradigm of using effort alone), you will see things come to you in miraculous ways. Others will want to know what you are doing and why your lives are working more easily.

While you are learning to embrace this new paradigm, there will still be challenges along the way, as the old habits of thought conflict with your new understandings. There will be times when try as you may, it is difficult to focus on something pleasant. Love yourself anyway, as you are, for even choosing to love yourself when you feel less than loving will raise your vibration.

The past few years have driven all of you deeper into your hearts. That is why so many of you are suddenly intolerant of things you once settled for. So many of you are reconnecting with people who nourish your spirits and disconnecting from those who don't. Many of you are picking up new hobbies or getting rid of old commitments. 

There is a huge movement upon your planet, although not widely acknowledged, to dive deeper into your hearts and live more authentic lives. 

When, in a given moment, you are living in alignment with your heart and soul, you will feel energized, hopeful, or happy. When you are not in alignment, it is easy to feel sad or angry. When your flow is guiding you to act gently, and you try to "push the river," you'll feel the exhaustion of going against a current of love that is trying to help you achieve all your desires in a kind and loving way. When you are in alignment, feeling your feelings, accepting and loving yourself through them, you'll feel amazing. What you call "miracles" will flow to you.

Honoring your own personal flow of love is the most joyous feeling in the world. Resisting it is becoming more and more of a challenge.

This fast flow of love is also why so many on your planet are angry as of late. It is difficult in this fast-moving current to ignore or stuff your feelings. Those who have stuffed feelings for a lifetime are experiencing emotional "eruptions" as their hearts begin to awaken. 

For those who are aware of the value of their feelings, these emotional outbursts provide clarity and guidance that help them move back toward a path of greater joy.

For others, these feelings are upsetting as they look around and see they are not yet where they want to be.

For still others, the feelings are so upsetting that they look for someone or something to blame, often trying to find company in their unhappy state of being.

In all cases, your feelings tell you one and only one thing — how close or far you are from alignment with your heart, your soul, and the loving flow that guides you.  

Those who aim their anger at you "know not what they do." They don't yet understand that their anger is a result of their own misalignment. It is easier to blame someone else for unpleasant feelings. It takes more work to admit that the upset occurs because someone or something has made it difficult for you to focus in a way that feels like love. 

When you are upset, the quickest way out is to refocus on something or someone or some thought that feels more like love.

When someone aims their upset at you, or when you witness unthinkable behaviors around you, you still get to decide how much power to give them. You get to choose where and what you place your focus upon. As you refocus on something that feels better, the unkind or unthinkable behaviors become irrelevant to you. What matters more is focusing on anything that feels like love. Here, you will find not only your joy, your guidance, and your solutions, but in this vibration, you will also contribute to a better and more peaceful world. 

You can more effectively handle the situations and people in your life from a place of feeling good than when you allow them to manipulate your feelings or actions with lower behaviors. You can more effectively solve the world's problems in a vibration of loving solutions. You can more easily feel the presence of your dear ones in spirit when you reach for the vibration of love that they live within.

This fast-moving flow is also why many of you vacillate between incredible energy and passion at times and sheer exhaustion at others. When aligned with your heart, you will feel boundless energy. Fighting your natural impulse to feel good will be exhausting. Criticizing yourself or others causes resistance to love and will also tire you. 

The key to being re-energized is simpler than most think. Listen to your body. It has great wisdom. Listen to your mind when you receive an impulse to do something pleasant. Listen to your emotions and see them as barometers guiding you to a path of love.

Something as simple as listening to your body and taking a nap can rejuvenate you and make your whole day flow more easily.

Something as simple as craving a certain food and going to get it for dinner may give you the exact nutrients your body is calling for.  

The urge to explore a new hobby might lead you to the person you wanted to meet, or calling a person that pops into your mind might lead you to an answer you seek.

We guide you always, along the kindest path. When you listen to your heart you are close to that path. When you feel good, you are on that path. When you feel upset at anything or anyone, you're having a temporary wobble. The moment you refocus on something that feels better, you'll be back on track and receive our loving impulses.

Despite current appearances, your world is moving towards greater love. There are many growing pains as pe ple find their hearts coming to the surface as never before. So many don't know what to do with the strong feelings. But you do. You know they tell you a great deal about whether or not you are aligned with your heart, soul, and guidance. 

Give yourselves permission to feel good even when life is not as you wish, when people are not as you wish, and even when someone has been unkind to you. You need not join those in denser vibrations. You can, instead, choose a happier train of thought and, in so doing, grant yourself the freedom to live in a vibration of love. Here, on the path of heart, you will find the grace, goodness, and guidance you so dearly desire.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Ascension Bites - Saturday, April 27, 2024

Allow yourself to shine. 

Allow yourself to radiate.

Allow your sacred wisdom 

to be self revealed

to be self acknowledged

and permitted

considerable entry.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Your Boundaries | The Creator via Jennifer Farley - APRIL 26, 2024

As you move forward in this current shift, it may be frustrating to be around those who want you to stay put. Instead of releasing you to grow easily, they may push to violate your boundaries, demanding that you surrender your morals and ethics to please them. This, again, is where choice comes into play. You can state and enforce those boundaries firmly or allow them to change your thoughts and feelings of what is right for you.

Remember…they are not thinking of you; any compliance they are requesting is solely for their benefit and you are the only one with control over whether this will happen or not. Regardless of what you decide, The Universe will always love and support you no matter what. 

~ Creator

The Creator Writings

The 12D Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton - April 26, 2024

 What Will Humanity Access Next? ∞The 12D Creators

What Will Humanity Access Next? ∞The 12D Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

You have so much yet to be accessed within you, and yet, so many of you are looking outside of yourselves for what you think you want and think you need. If you spend just a little bit of your time throughout your day relaxing and rooting around inside yourselves, you will find that you have answers, you have gifts, you have so much more to express through yourself, and the world is waiting for what it is that you have to offer. You are readying yourselves in every moment of every day for what is to come next. You are coming to a time where you will absolutely know that you create your reality and that you contain everything you need within you to do so.

And we, and others like us, are just here to remind you of these truths. When we tell you to go within and seek for whatever it is you desire, what we mean is that what you desire is a state of being. You desire the sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that you think will come from accomplishing something, from winning something or from getting a certain amount of money in your bank account, but those experiences are available to you right now, even before those things happen, and they are available to you whether or not those things ever do happen, and that is the great secret of this universe of ours.

Everything that you could possibly experience from something happening outside of you is available to you right now inside of you, and you get there by focusing within and feeling for what it is that you have always sought. Now, it is also true that in doing so, you will then create and manifest that which you want to experience physically, and you will still be able to enjoy it. You will still be able to experience all of the excitement, all of the enthusiasm that you ever had for that experience.

Nothing is ever taken from you by first acknowledging that everything already exists within you. In fact, you just make the process of manifestation that much easier on yourselves, and that too is something that you are moving towards all the time. You are moving towards a time when there will be instant manifestation, where you will never have to wait for anything at all to become physical in your experience, and you are certainly honing those abilities right now by making it necessary for yourselves to do this work before you will have something that you can hold in your hands in the physical realm.

But beyond manifestation there is a satisfaction in knowing that you can bring yourself into a feeling state like no other that you have ever experienced before, simply by going within and tuning yourself to that vibration. Yes, you can use visualization, and you can visualize yourself having all the things and the experiences that you want to have, but you don’t even need to go to those places in your mind’s eye in order to access the vibration, the state of being, that you seek. You can go right to that sensation in your body by holding the desire within you to feel the way that you want to feel and by acknowledging that you contain all energy and all vibration within yourselves right now.

And when you can do that, you have the keys to the kingdom, the world truly is your oyster, and you will find yourself walking amongst your fellow humans as the master and the teacher, the example, that you always intended to be in this beautiful lifetime of ascension. You have awakened, and this is one of the truths that you have awakened to – you have everything inside of you all the time, and it’s just waiting for you to unpack it.

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.” 

Transforming Doubt by Archangel Metatron - APRIL 25, 2024


Transforming Doubt
by Archangel Metatron

Channeled through Natalie Glasson 

Greetings to you beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron. It is a joy to be in your presence today and as I am present with you, I invite you to acknowledge your own being and body. I invite you to gaze within and ask yourself, how much do you trust in my presence, Archangel Metatron…at what percentage? Do you trust 100 percent in my presence or do you trust a slightly lower percentage?


As you ask this question of yourself, you begin to acknowledge your level of trust. You may also ask yourself, how much do you trust in the Creator? How much do you trust in the Universe of the Creator? How much do you trust in yourself and your soul? As you gain a percentage for each of these questions, you begin to understand the vibrations within your being.  

To doubt is natural. You live in a reality that has so many different dimensions. There are things that you can see, feel, touch, sense, hear and taste…there are things that you cannot…or maybe things that you sense with your inner energy, and yet there are so many worlds and dimensions, and many are existing in your reality. 


It is natural to distrust to a certain percentage however, there is a need to build your trust so you can align your energies with your truth, and exist as your truth upon the earth. It does not matter if you doubt my energies and it does not matter if you doubt the Creator or the Universe of the Creator. It is important to first build your trust with your own inner essence, your soul, your divinity, whatever you wish to label it.  

When you increase and develop your trust in yourself, you align with your vibration of truth and everything becomes and flows with greater ease and divine perfection. So in many ways, it is not about us on the inner planes. It is not even about the Creator. It is not about those around you. 

Your greatest focus to aid your ascension and to reveal your truth is the divinity within your being. So, at what percentage do you trust yourself and your soul? Is it more or less than 50%? 

Doubt comes from experiences of disconnection, experiences of wounding and pain. The more you focus on bringing healing and love to these aspects of yourself, your own trust will naturally develop. It will become an energising vibration within your being that spurs you onward and inspires you. 

Doubt is something that you are choosing to hold on to. When you think of yourself or your soul, and you connect with the doubt…the distrust…what is it about your soul that you distrust? What are you saying about your soul in your mind, or yourself in you mind?  

It might be that you’re not good enough or you don’t deserve love, or you can’t do it; you can’t achieve anything. You might feel repelled; that you’re pushing yourself away from your soul. Maybe you have an idea that your soul orchestrated something that caused you pain.......................

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Through Natalie Glasson